Thursday, March 1, 2012


Day of old-filled with past bitter-sweet experiences
When heartache seems to tear my soul apart
Days of old-agonies so boisterous
Typifying time and space in life when cruelty, anxiety ruled my heart.

Days of old-enthralled with past sweet-bitter memories
When my mind failed to grasp the full meaning of life & living
Days of old-pestilences, sore tears petrified
Signifying a time of perplexity cum dexterity.

Days of old-engulf with suspicions of the future
When the future looked bleak, the sun’s dimmed
Days of old-entangled in ignoble life’s caricature
Magnifying a time when the vision for morrow was blurred.

Days of old maybe filled with bitterness, rancor, and ugly experiences
Days of old maybe centred on dark clouds, faint strength of the moon
But today a new day has come-with blazing glories and graces
A new day of clearer sight, brighter vision, splendid dreams

Now the new days for me-revitalized posterity
A new day of splendor for me-enlivening my broken heart
A new day for me with vigour & strength-just to carry on
A new day for me- when complexity gives way too certainty

Let the music of life play on-for a new beginning
Let every active steps of glamour- joined in clandestine dance of victory
Let every tongue and instrument exhilarate in divine merriment
‘Cause a new day of new breakthroughs has finally arrived…

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