Wednesday, March 28, 2012

LET US DELIGHT...........!!!!

Let us delight to touch and caress
For we are bound to love
Let us with truthful heart understand to love
For it is the bond of perfectness.
Let us take up each others responsibilities
With delightful help to reach the goal
Let us love without dissimulation
For love thus was meant for us.
Let kisses e the aim of ours
For we are yet t reach the finishing point
Let us not allow the thought of unfaithfulness
To derail our task of sound love foundation
For ours is the love laid from the foundation of the world
Let us love in spite of
For love exist to last forever
Let us make it a point of duty to care and cherish each other
But we should never let such angry passion rise
Or let its blame to be on us
To let us be apart
I am delighted to have you
You have been everything I ever needed in life-
Understanding, with mutual confidence
Caring, loving and making every point of sorrow turn to joy.
Then my love is yours n matter what.
My delightfulness is immeasurable
It comes with absolute love satisfaction…..

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