Wednesday, March 28, 2012


for my love

I feel suffocated by the intensity of my feeling,
As I dwell on the thoughts of our first embrace.
My first long kisses on your hungry lips.
The terrible suddenness of the break,
The extreme bitterness of your disappointment,
After been so happy, crushed me.

You are very generous and kind to me.
I thank God and appreciate you, and in my fashion,
I love you
I need great hugs and smacking kisses
Devouring maternal love somehow smothered me
I seem heart and soul in love with you.

Darling, I can’t keep enveloping these warmth and tender sentimentality
That spills from me.
Oh! What a lovely day is this!
Green amber shadows dappling the swelling breast of the dawn
You are such a special angel-
I haven’t time to tell
Why you are special to me just now.
But I’d remind you that in future when you’ll be my wife.

What a radiant Amazon you are!
To be more precise-
I look forward to seeing you.
A day my dream will finally come true,
When we’ll be holding and hugging each other as one.
More so, gives way for the spirit of love and unity to dwell in us.
I will bring potency which will be unquestionably unique
Before then, am looking forward to seeing your special smiles....

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