Monday, March 26, 2012


Trusting on dust as you
Confidence puts on mortal souls
Hoping on the perishables
All will surely fail you

They may promise to placate
Taking steps even to make it a cynosure
They may provide but the temporal
Making perishables look eternal

They may fail you in need
They may falsify to deceive
They may play a god-thing to capture
Making you feel a paradise on earth

Though they may fail you-God can’t!
Though they may deceive you-God can’t!
Though they may disappoint you-God can’t!
Though they may frustrate you-God can never!

He will surely satisfy your needs
He will surely fill you with a desire from heaven
He’s not man that He should lie
He is awesome, magnificent, ultimate

But God shall be your burglar of truth
He shall uplift you above your dreams
He shall give you grace to look up
God is all in all-Trust only in HIM.

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