Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Living those years with you
Giving you an unfettered access to my heart
A place reserved only for you
A place where true love hold sway
But now my love: you have to go!

Dalliancing with you as in childhood days
Looking into your dove-tailing eyes
Reminiscence the days of laughter cum pains
Refreshingly a thought of paradise on earth
But now ne’er again: sweetheart, you have to go!

Loving you unreservedly
Giving you all attention ever needed
Making you a priority after God the Creator
Humbling my proud heart to accommodate your delinquencies cum super-sensitive ego
But how abrupt it ends: Beloved, please, you have to go!

Faithfully got attached to you

Trustfully endeared to my lonely heart
Gladly making you known to the whole wide world
Fearlessly accentuating to all demands to make life enjoyable
But today, it’s of the past: honey, you have to go!

Gratefully accepting my destined fate
Enquiringly coming to terms with reality of letting go
Laboriously satisfying all you want and need
Trying to make the only room of my heart habitable to you only
But regrettably we must part: my queen, you have to go!

A time past for you-a new day for me
A dawn of new chapter-encapsulating my thoughts
Now that I’ve found an Angel incomparably superb to you
Giving me the true colour of love and true picture of life
But your old chapter now closes forever:  sweetheart you have to go!

A new era heralding in-from the rising of the sun
A new season of refreshing spring-from heaven’s paradise
A renewed vigour of grace-from tears of penury to great rejoicing
Ne’er had I thought of sudden departure from you
But events unfolding of recent calls for this mutual consent: Darling, you have to go!!!....

 Courtesy: Aniekanabasi 2012

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