Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Taking a life you ne’er can give
Strangling out life with hands, bullets, spear
So precious, so sacred when alive
You are on Your Throne O Lord watching!

Desecrating the Holy places of worship
Scoffing at the truth You proclaimed
Balkanizing the very foundation of peace
But You O Lord still watching from on high

Killing the unborn foetus you create not
Inflicting penury to the innocent souls
Crafting calamities to circumvent comfort
You O Lord still on Your Throne watching!

Slaughtering lives all day long of mere mortals
Slay of sword- we like birds of the air on flight to safety
Massacred daily by evil men of no cometh-see
Lord, You continually watching on Your throne

Giving your sun to rise on both the prey and predator
Your rainfall wets every roof irrespective
You so patiently tarry to seek salvation to all
You still on the throne watching! Seemingly longbearing

But I know your recompense comes to all men soon
Whether there be good or bad-You shall surely visit
Administering justices to all who on earth do dwell
Because You on the throne craves for all to repent

You are God not man that You shall fret
At the nauseating scenario of killing & maiming
Your love still beats my imagination and gives hope
I shall forever live to emulate You-You that’s on throne dwelling.

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