Monday, May 14, 2012


The courtroom is set-the books are open
One by one-we walk in-our case to respond
No more time for mercy-no second chance
Investigation completed, submitted-judgment delivered!

The king of the universe – a Judge so true
No one can fault-His purest of sinless motive
Cherubim and seraphim—all rendered honour, laud and adoration
To the One and Only True Judge-of our conscience free

Every dark side exposed-conscience make bare
All eyes to see-deeds, actions, inactions, non-actions-
Of every hearts, minds- and we argue not our cases
“Cause we’ll be convinced-we are either damned or saved

But the Champion of Love and salvation steps in-an Advocate so faithful
They that believed in the atoning, redeeming blood of the Lamb-
Of God the father-the Only Son and the way to eternity
Pleads my case-“Father, I died for Him-see the print of nail on my palms!”

His crimson Red I exchanged with my blood so precious red
“Granting him an heir-he’s my brother, my friend, my child!”
“I suffered that he may live-a home I prepare him in the sky”
“Welcome my Child! Enter into the Kingdom!” Father echoed

A crown of life given-a thorn of death removed
Now clothed in His righteous garment-eternal life now I am!
Oh! What a joy that thrills my soul at last! Imagination now real!
Happy am I! Now saved forever-blessed are you who endure to the end!

But behold! To some no advocate to plead
Rather, an accuser-ready to rain accusations on the lost the more
Lake of fire of destruction burning strong-no safety on sight
Consumed forever-no trace of their carcass on sight

Now is the time!!! Won’t you forsake all for Him?
Time is no more-earth’s history about to end
Sin is cleansed, eradicated-righteousness now rule supreme
No pain, sorrow and pangs of discomfort-forever banished

Before the Eternal Judge-what will you do?
Are you now ready to appear before the judgment seat to answer your case?
Before the Eternal Judge can Christ the Advocate plead on your behalf?
When before God the Father Judge-where will you hope to go?

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