Monday, May 14, 2012


Just heard the midnight cries sounding loudest
Echoing-“the bridegroom is here-come, meet Him”
Some to lit their lantern loaded with oil
Some to lit try to lit without oil

The banquet is set-the five wise entered and doors locked
None is welcome late-destiny sealed forever
How prepared am I? How ready are you?
Cause the foretold prophecies are fulfilling.

War among nations-kingdom in turmoil
Pangs of war here and there-peace flies away
Pestilences walking in the dark-sorrows everywhere
Terror on air-fear grips the hearts of men

Rumbles in nature-fiery quakes buries many
Sun gives no light-moon turns to blood
Frets among nations-fear rules the souls of men
Tribulations, trials, temptations, distresses among nations

Love grows cold-hearts turn into wickedness
Fathers against sons-daughters against mothers
Famines upon the lands-afflictions and killings
Deceptions of fake preachers, teachers-mammon god of their belly

Friend betray friend-brothers now are foes
Desolation of the Holy places-many a life are snuffed out
False signs, wonders-miracles of Belial abounds
The falling of the stars-a sure signs of the prophecies fulfilling

All these, a pointer-for the Second Advent is here
Merriment of marrying-like in Noah’s days-worldly pleasures rules the hearts
Goodnews of the kingdom about globally-the has come
The words of prophecies at last now fulfilling

Beware brethrens! The time’s no more for you
Beware beloved! Salvation draws nigh-man’s destiny at hand
He will come-though He tarries-but fails not-He will come!
The prophecies of the Holy Book now a reality fulfilling. Can’t you see!!!

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