Monday, April 30, 2012


As in the days of old
When love was the Alpha
Love precipitates the Omega
Love purifies the breath of life and living.

As in the days of old
When love shares with all
When love unselfishly gives and gives
When love freely empathized, sympathized

As in the days of old
When sacrificial love reigned supreme
When men love without dissimulation
When love gives and takes

As in the days of old
When love comforts, consoles, restores
When love encourages, uplifts, conquers
When love forgives, liberates, transforms

Gone are the days of old
When that first love rules the hearts
Conquered pride, subdued hatred
When that first love exemplifies our lives true

Oh! What had quenched the naked flame of love?
Even among brethren of same faith, same womb
Now men’s hearts tend to hurt always
Shadow of pretense now replaces substance

Oh love! What makes you cold in hearts of men?
You were once a driving force
Compelling us to love with no end in sight
But how have we forgotten our roots!

Love the first-ne’er seek self alone
Love the first-ne’er envies nor puffed up against others
Love the first-ne’er thinks evil of no one
Love the first-ne’er rejoice in sin & fall of men.

That first love-lasts eternity
That first love-devoid of pride and prejudice
That first love-bears, believes, endures
That first love-hope, respects, entrusts, repairs.

Riches are rusting-cause of lack of first love
Men are vanishing-cause of lack of first love
Souls are pained daily-cause of lack of first love
That first love! Who will resuscitate to grandeur?

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