Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Just on her first visit
She dazzles and gravitates
Walking majestically cum psychedelically
Dalliancing and dancing fantastically

She steps into my house
A seat on my bedding so gracefully balanced
Sonorously echoing a scintillating salutation
Reassuringly giving a nod of approval of my home

Served with drinks of soft spirit
Food is served-delicacies of graceful bachelor
Politely refused –request she made
“Let me make a choice of dainties I sup”-she says

Hungered she seems-a baked fish she want
Made avail with drink-candidly swallow the fish
Graceful in deportment-gently eats the dainties
Left to go-roughen bedspread-no cooking in sight

“I am tired”-she muttered whene’er on visit
“Cooking not my style”-she muttered whene’er kitchen duty calls
“We’ll get a help”-to do the cook when challenge why
Reluctantly cooks-after much of sermon

Lazy she’s- from kitchen to bed
Complaints always o’er every house chaos
Though sexy in outlook, so lazy in act
Irony of what to see-tastefully disgusting

Oh Lord my God! Can she become a man’s dream wife?
Who’ll care for the home-front whenever he’s off?
Who’ll nurture the children when birth is given?
Who’ll gain access to my heart-stomach if not her?

Oh Lord! Will I ever open my eyes to behold disgust?
When time is right for me to let go of penury yet to come?
But now to part than tomorrow’s regret?
Need divine directives-a help from on high!

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