Friday, April 13, 2012


Trials are inevitable
Temptations are tenable
Battles of life inalienable
Pains of living inexcusable

True angels may fall but never put down
She stands again with a little courage
She gives no room for defeat in pursuit
She knows her desires garnishing with grace

She cries the bitterness out of her heart
She emptied herself of hate and scorn
She forgives at ease-ne’er back to sin
Strives for good-abhors evil thoughts

My angel she’s- so beautifully made
Her graces of words- a soothing balm
Her calm mien-strength of character
Her sweet touch and voice-a healing balm

Your praises shall be rife all generations
Your children and offspring shall call you blessed
Your barn shall forever be filled with bounties
Your husband delights only in you forever.

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