Monday, April 30, 2012


You may own the planet earth
All its troubles, transients’ joys and name
All its fading beauties, dainties and lost glories
But give me my angel-she worth more than all

You may take the whole wide world
All its heartaches, pains and sweet bitterness
All its fountains, hills and deadly valleys
But give me my angel-she meant the world to me

You may take the universe and own it
All its uncertainty, sensuality, frivolities
All its pestilences, turbulence, disasters
But give me my angel-she’s Queen of my paradise unfathomed

You can take all the wealth and riches
All its pained comfort, short rejoices, lost graces
All its perishables, disgust, trepidation, short-lived
But give me my angel-she’s my true wealth and bountiful riches

All that brings happiness eternal-from my angel
All that beautifies the soul-embedded in my angel
All that thrilled my heart, my mind-escalates my vein-my angel
Your love points to eternity-a light to cheer each winding path

Let me view your constant smiles
Sweetest comfort to my soul from your words
I can sing, dance, rejoice-cause I have you
Till then I shall forever make you “THE ANGEL OF MY LIFE!”


As in the days of old
When love was the Alpha
Love precipitates the Omega
Love purifies the breath of life and living.

As in the days of old
When love shares with all
When love unselfishly gives and gives
When love freely empathized, sympathized

As in the days of old
When sacrificial love reigned supreme
When men love without dissimulation
When love gives and takes

As in the days of old
When love comforts, consoles, restores
When love encourages, uplifts, conquers
When love forgives, liberates, transforms

Gone are the days of old
When that first love rules the hearts
Conquered pride, subdued hatred
When that first love exemplifies our lives true

Oh! What had quenched the naked flame of love?
Even among brethren of same faith, same womb
Now men’s hearts tend to hurt always
Shadow of pretense now replaces substance

Oh love! What makes you cold in hearts of men?
You were once a driving force
Compelling us to love with no end in sight
But how have we forgotten our roots!

Love the first-ne’er seek self alone
Love the first-ne’er envies nor puffed up against others
Love the first-ne’er thinks evil of no one
Love the first-ne’er rejoice in sin & fall of men.

That first love-lasts eternity
That first love-devoid of pride and prejudice
That first love-bears, believes, endures
That first love-hope, respects, entrusts, repairs.

Riches are rusting-cause of lack of first love
Men are vanishing-cause of lack of first love
Souls are pained daily-cause of lack of first love
That first love! Who will resuscitate to grandeur?


In life’s journey through this land
Pilgrims are we-He’s always with us
As we strive to be true- faithful always
Are we children of the King?

Do we in His strength try to subdue?
All angry temper, damned words, inflamed passion?
Refresh impure thoughts, sanctify our minds and hearts?
Remove unkind words, unforgiving hearts-Are we king’s heir?

Can we discipline our evil nature?
Subjecting pride to selfless servitude?
To seek others’ success, progress and happiness?
Can we claim we are children of the King still?

Loyalty to do good, shun evil-then we are!
Pleasing God and show kindness to men-then we are
Truthfully rejoicing and sorrowing together

Friday, April 27, 2012


I have searched all my life through,
They've been other loves-I agree;
But I've refused all in lieu of you'
Not now, you have my heart, my life , my all.

I have wandered faraway from home,
I have been lost, but you found me;
I'm grateful to God you led me home,
You make all effort to set me free.

I have wandered East, South, North and West in expectation,
I've wandered aimlessly to no avail;
Why did i have to wander?
I thank God it's not later than now.

I'll never wander again, never never again,
'Cause I've found peace and love and never to go astray;
Don't condemn me with this words,-cause it's a truthful tale I've learnt,
And i have to tell it even if dramatically-
And so it pricked me to rest.


Andy's Thralldom 2001......

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Just on her first visit
She dazzles and gravitates
Walking majestically cum psychedelically
Dalliancing and dancing fantastically

She steps into my house
A seat on my bedding so gracefully balanced
Sonorously echoing a scintillating salutation
Reassuringly giving a nod of approval of my home

Served with drinks of soft spirit
Food is served-delicacies of graceful bachelor
Politely refused –request she made
“Let me make a choice of dainties I sup”-she says

Hungered she seems-a baked fish she want
Made avail with drink-candidly swallow the fish
Graceful in deportment-gently eats the dainties
Left to go-roughen bedspread-no cooking in sight

“I am tired”-she muttered whene’er on visit
“Cooking not my style”-she muttered whene’er kitchen duty calls
“We’ll get a help”-to do the cook when challenge why
Reluctantly cooks-after much of sermon

Lazy she’s- from kitchen to bed
Complaints always o’er every house chaos
Though sexy in outlook, so lazy in act
Irony of what to see-tastefully disgusting

Oh Lord my God! Can she become a man’s dream wife?
Who’ll care for the home-front whenever he’s off?
Who’ll nurture the children when birth is given?
Who’ll gain access to my heart-stomach if not her?

Oh Lord! Will I ever open my eyes to behold disgust?
When time is right for me to let go of penury yet to come?
But now to part than tomorrow’s regret?
Need divine directives-a help from on high!

Friday, April 13, 2012


Trials are inevitable
Temptations are tenable
Battles of life inalienable
Pains of living inexcusable

True angels may fall but never put down
She stands again with a little courage
She gives no room for defeat in pursuit
She knows her desires garnishing with grace

She cries the bitterness out of her heart
She emptied herself of hate and scorn
She forgives at ease-ne’er back to sin
Strives for good-abhors evil thoughts

My angel she’s- so beautifully made
Her graces of words- a soothing balm
Her calm mien-strength of character
Her sweet touch and voice-a healing balm

Your praises shall be rife all generations
Your children and offspring shall call you blessed
Your barn shall forever be filled with bounties
Your husband delights only in you forever.


‘I’, a singular letter so powerful to destroy
The mortal being who engages against the creator
Thinking’ I will be like my creator
So much he lost his place honour to destroy

I will overthrow the Creator and take charge
I will claim the Creator’s creatures and so control
I will rise above the Creator and so topple Him
I will rule with pride what I never created

A pride so subtly destroying the haughty
A pride so conspicuously debasing the righteous
A pride so dangerously uproots peace and breathes chaos
I will selfishly acquire what’s never mine

If you boast of your strength- I glory in the knowledge of my King
If you boast of your power- I glory in Divine grace and might
Rather than “I will”- why not “by God’s will”
God’s leading is sure-man’s pride a death trap

As for me- I can do all things through Christ
As for me- God’s will is supreme in all things
As for me-His grace is sufficient
A borrowed life I live from the creator-grace alone my unfading crown.


I was born to hear same-
Many died while waiting-
Many fell apart saying it’s untrue
Some still believed, but with amiss

Those hold dear died without
Those who hate died without
We who believe the promises-
With faith-our only compass to guide

Will He return again? I wondered!
When neither time nor season is told
Will He return again? I pondered daily
When sufferings, sorrows, tears now our daily meal

He bid us “look for the signs”
He told us “look for the waymark”
He encouraged us “watch unto prayer”
Because we know not when except One

The signs herald in the ‘meantime’ before harvest
The patience exercise the grains external sleep not
Or slumber time is at hand
Rapturous feeling’s bearing Testimonies
Signs of time foretell the hour has come
The plant’s are ripe-harvest soon will come
How prepared am I? How ready are you
Will he meet you waiting rightly or wrongly?

As the season approaches in anticipation
So shall the coming of the son of man be
When the righteous change and be joined to him
Rapture so unfathomably supreme.

He will come, I’m sure-lets be ready
He will come, so sure-let’s be prepared
He will, absolutely sure-just for me and you-no doubt.
He shall descend with great glory and power-Hallelujah to my king