Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Where There's Love

by Samuel Pipim

One Baptist preacher has aptly said:

“Love is not a namby-pamby, loosy-goosy, warm and fuzzy feeling. That’s Hollywood love. That’s sub-teen puppy love.. . . Love is not a warm glow in the gut; that’s probably heartburn. . . . Love is more than tender words and affectionate glances. Love is more than gracious gestures, good table manners, and finely-tuned social skills. Love is more than feel-good.Love is self-sacrifice. Love is giving beyond what you have to give and moving into what you want to give.”

I say “Amen!” In my book THIS IS LOVE, I’ve penned some 60-ryhmed poems to describe what love is and is not. Here is a set, titled: "Where There’s Love."

Where There’s Love . . .

There’s an elegance of simplicity

An affluence of frugality

And a display of humility

Where There’s Love . . .

It is home in its true place

Even outside its own race

Destined there by divine grace

Where There’s Love . . .

It calms every fear

Provides a listening ear

And wipes the sobbing tear

Where There’s Love . . .

Compassion is its fight

Gentleness is its might

And forgiveness is its right

Where There’s Love . . .

Its friendship is very real

Risking all is no big deal

For helpfulness is its zeal

Where There’s Love . . .

Innocence is its age

Childlike trust is its face

And patience is its pace

Where There’s Love . . .

It finds excuses to share

And offers a daily prayer

For God to keep it from care

At a future time, I’ll continue this discussion on love, with a few more poems. For now, I pray that we shall all move beyond the sub-teen puppy love--the “namby-pamby, loosy-goosy, warm and fuzzy feeling” that often masquerades as love.

--Samuel Koranteng-Pipim, PhD


As you contemplate valentine's day...MAY U COME TO THE TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT LOVE TRULY IS....READ ON!!!

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