Friday, October 26, 2012


Tears flow daily as of River Euphrates,
Tears of sorrows, pains and agonies.
Tears of heartaches-freely flowing,coloured by blood-
Of the innocent children-mothers' wails unstopped.

Homes shattered, destinies destroyed, visions blighted, tainted!
Dreams unfulfilled, aspirations dashed, expectations balkernized.
Like rams to the slaughter-slap-they are massacred
Blood mixed with water overflow as of ocean surge-our land now soaked of blood.

Shouts of joys, pangs of labour enveloped the air.
Dancing, clapping & merriments rents the atmosphere
When infants where brought forth-unity entrenched, love bond's strengthened
Each named after Divine similitude-giving credence to Source of to blossom.

Years gone by-offsprings lives now mould of grace
Tears cum sweetness, pains cum rejoicing-all blossomed in stature;
In favour with Divine cum humanity-accord ne'er to be broken.
Future now though bleak, emboldened in courage just to carry on.

Now of youthful prime-ready to implode, refreshen the earth space
Beautiful faces,graceful in hearts display-electrifying the little corners of their world
Some, great leaders to-be; some great people to impact and bless human race.
Full of life cum expectations-desires so ennobling, seasoned and pure.

Now, oh fate of a bloodthirsty nation! staring on faces' glare.
Had cut short in prime the youthful strengths entrenched-all desires now perished!
In a cruelest method of throats slashings-forcefully snuffing lives off the youth
No more sanctity of lives-helplessly butchered-no succour in sight.

Cut short in their prime-the brutish murderings in MUBI town!
Cut short in their prime-the barbaric killings of youth in the North!
Cut in their prime-the pathetic slaughter of the four at Aluu!
Cut in their prime-the endless bloodshed of innocents in the Nation...

Where have we gone astray-no more sanctity of life?
Who'll save us from bloodsucking demons in our fatherland?
bY:aNiEkAn JAF
— with Goodluck Jonathan and 47 others.

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