Tuesday, January 24, 2012

WhAt LiFe TaUgHt Me!

1. Life Has Taught Me That If One Wishes To Be Esteemed, One Must Live With Esteem-able People.
2. Life Has Thought Me Not To Walk By Sight  But  By Faith
3. Life Has Taught  Me That Suspicious And Distrust Encourage Dishonesty
4. Life Has Taught Me That To Harbour Grudges Against Someone Is Another Way Of Punishing My Mind
5. Life Has Taught Me To Let My Life  Be Guarded By Principle
6. Life Has Taught Me To Always Be Optimistic And Never  Pessimistic
7. Life Has Taught Me That A Faithful Servant Never Goes Unrewarded
8. Life Has Taught Me That Poor Man Is Not A Man Without Money But The One Without Vision
9. Life Has Taught  Me That Adverse Hard Times Teaches The Greatest Lesson
10.              Life Taught Me That We Are Not Fully And Properly  Dressed Until We Put A Smile On Our Faces
11.              Life Taught Me That Remorse Is The Passion Of Life And Repentance Its Cure
12.              Life Taught Me That My Feelings Must  Never Override Sense Of Judgment
13.              Life Has Taught Me That It Is Better To Be A Fool Than To Be A Pretender
14.              Life Has Taught Me That Hardness And Stubbornness Or Might Of Men Are Dragged To The Dust And Mud By Mere Women
15.              Life Has Taught Me That Men Are Babies When In Between Or On Top Of A Women.
16.              Life Has Taught Me That Ignorant Man Is Not Better Than A Foolish Person.
17.              Life Has Taught Me That Preparation Is The Way Out Of Frustration
18.             Life Has Taught Me That Destiny Can Only Be Delayed But Cannot Be Denied
19.              Life Has Taught Me That Our Ability To Change Nobody To Somebody Make  Us Super-Human
20.              Life Has Taught Me That Self-Understanding Gives You Control Over Life
21.              Life Has Taught Me That The Greatest Asset Of A Country Is In Her Youth
22.             Life Has Taught Me That It Is Easier To Fall In Love Than To Stay In Love
23.              Life Has Taught Me That You Can Never Win A Race You Never Run.
24.              Life Has Taught Me That The Ultimate Measure Of A Man Is Not In Time Of Comfort And Convenience But In Time Of Challenges And Controversies.
25.              Life Has Taught Me That It Is Not Running Away From Problem That Makes You A Man, But Facing The Problem And Turn It To Pleasure.
26.              Life Has Taught Me That The Very Good Christian Is The One Living In The Midst Of Unrighteous Nation And Compromise Not, Than The One Living In A Righteous Environment.
27.              Life Has Taught Me That There Is No Medicine Like Hope, No Tonic So Powerful As Expectation.
28.             Life Has Taught Me That There Is No Gain Without Pain
29.              Life Has Taught Me That True Love Comes With A Lot Of Freedom
30.              Life Has Taught Me That God Works With Minority Against Majority.

Aniekanabasi 2012

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