Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dear Ex-lover, I ’m so glad I was your victim!


Dear Ex-lover,
I ’m so glad I was your victim!
You cuddled me with both hands
Gently as you could.
You ensured that I was always with
If I fall you were afraid I’ll be hurt.
I always had your undivided attention,
You got upset if others
Tries to make advances on me or
Disturbed our time together.
You can never forget me in a taxi &
You won’t let me go.
Unlike my old lovers-
That would proudly just forgot me
When you eat, I was always beside you.
When you are in the restroom,
I was with you. When we are on the bed
your arms were always my pillow.
When I fall, you rushed to pick
me up-
Like an egg-fearing I might break
When I felt low, you made every
Effort to resuscitate my emotions high.
Whenever I was hungry, you filled me up
with good food.
You bought me all sorts
Of clothes to cover my precious
skin from harsh weather.
And if I got cold in the winter
You strap me to your heart.( ...feeling your heartbeat a respite and a warmth)

Every month you ensured that you
set aside some money, to buy me
flowers (of love).
You upheld your words to make me forget my ugly past with my ex-lovers.
You’ll rushed
Home from work and
Spent quality time with me;
Not really bothered to make a conversation
with others at home.
You sat up with me for hours
And smiled at me, yet I had no scintillating Beauty compared to other ladies;
Sometimes I made you
Laugh that people think you were mad.
I watched your pals-Boys and girls
Envying our time
But dearie…
You appealed to me then-
That your life maybe wasted if I ever leave you. I took some time out,
Left you aside and sought my heart through:
I told you how much I loved you
And promised to be there for you always
You declared your undying love to me-
But I’m today seated here alone
Gazing into the dark night
Wondering what cruel fate had enveloped us
When I stay to think
That I was only fooled by
What was never to be
God knows why you left-
Leaving me with this hole in my heart
Sad to see you go
To be fondled in the arms of another woman.
Loving someone who
Never loved you back in return
A contemned love that was.
God alone can grant me my heart desire.

Your pained heart……

Andy's thralldom

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