Thursday, September 19, 2013


Living those years with you alone,
Giving to you all unfettered access-
To my heart-room unhindered.
A place where true love holds sway;
But now, no more it is: My darling,Honey you have to Go!

Dalliancing with you alone like of childhood
Looking straight into your dovetailing eyes;
Reminiscence of days of laughter cum pains
Refreshingly a thought of paradise on earth;
But ne'er again:Sweetheart, you have to Go!

Loving you unreservedly,
Giving you complete attention ever needed;
Making you a priority after My Creator
Humbling my heart to endure your super-sensitive ego;
But how abrupt it's now is: Beloved you have to Go!

Faithfully attached to you I was,
Trustfully endeared to my heart you were
Gladly announcing you before the universe
Fearlessly accentuating to make life full of glories
But Now is but the past: My doting you have to Go!

Gratefully accepting my false fate of destiny
Enduring now it stares me in the face the reality of letting to
Labouriously Satisfying all you ever wanted or need;
Trying to make the only room of my heart habitable by you alone;
But regrettably we must part: my love you have to Go!

A time past for you- A new day for me
A dawn of a new chapter encapsulating my tender thoughts
Now I've found an Angel incomparably unique and superb
Giving me the true meaning of life and love
But your chapter now i close forever: Darling, you have to Go!

A new era heralding-from the rising of the sun
A season of refreshing-from heaven's store-house
A renewed vigour of grace-tears of penury to cry of rejoicing I am
Ne'er had i thought of sudden departure but was in view
But now event Unfolded calls our mutual consent to let go
Darling, Sweetheart, You have to Go!!!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Golden Rules Of Life & Living

Before you speak-listen
Before you write-think
Before you spend-earn
Before you invest-investigate
Before you criticize-patiently wait
Before you pray-forgive
Before you quit-try again
Before you retire-save
Before you kill-give life
Before you destroy-Build
Before you hate-love
Before you die-amend your ways
Before you condemn-make peace
Before you die-give all
This is the Reality of Life and Living!!!!


For you!!!
Nsidibe Matthew,

You glow like a million stars,
Your sterling qualities a sparkling diadem
Your perfumed character a dazzling star
Your Virtuous personality a blazing diamond

In times of difficulties-you illuminate my dark path
In lonely path-your sparks brighten the way
When at cross-road –you direct my path
Back to tread a path of peace never to stray.

Every time I think of you
M heart’s steadfastness a testimony
Of your love so pure
Untainted with infidelity cum acrimony.

For the joy you entrenched in my heart
For the peace you disseminate in my mind
For the love you established in my soul
My love for you know no bound.

A new day for us to celebrate
And old days to reminiscence our glorious-bitter past
Are brought forward to our future
A mark of time well-spent-A tide refreshing.

Take this my treasure of love song a blazer
To aid our remaining journey
To a paradise unfathomed by hearts-but for two
Third person-our Creator-fourth- our Children
A paradise foreseeable just for us-where to say