Tuesday, March 5, 2019


If not for your love, my angel-
Life’s incomplete, incoherent, and insecure
If not for your love, my Queen-
Peace will elude me-havoc wrecked life install

If not for your love, my Princess-
Turmoil, pestilences’ pervades my place of abode
If not for your love, my crown of joy-
Pains, sorrows, calamities-my portion will be.

Your love is precious-more than silver and gold
Your love is so gracious-uplifting my dying soul
Your love is so glorious-enlivening my dampened spirit
Your love is so luminous-enlightening dark side of life

But for your love, my lover and friend
Will life ever make a meaning?
But for your love, my sweetheart and companion
I can now live a peaceful, fruitful, happy life of all times…


Dark in the day-He washed their feet
Drank with them-ate with them
“Traitor, hasten up time is no more” He says
Though he delayed-he at last betrayed the LORD.

Dark in the garden-he earnestly prayed
Unselfishly pouring out-His soul so pained
Asking but one thing-the grace to carry on
A mission so daunting-so tasking, so cruel

Dark in the night-with a passion so strong He prayed
Bearing in mind-a road of torture, tumult and Gaul
Feeling the pains-never to give up-reluctant to give in
A mission to redeem, to refresh, to reinstate

Later that evening-the King Eternal is sold
Cheap the price-so we might be redeem costlier
With a blood spilled-on the road to the “Place of the Skull”
Beaten, slapped, spat on, abused, and bruised!

A thief of damnation freed-a chief of salvation killed
He silently willingly agreed to die-just for you and I
Crown of thorns upon His-six inches nail-like-pace upon His head
Writhing in pains-though eager to die-a mission fulfilled

Brought to the street-stripes upon His back
Laughed to scorn, beaten to pulp-a cross to carry on
Way to mount of the skull-so cruel, so agonizing, so treacherous
Oh! If not for Him, who else could bear this shame, this pain, this curse?

Nailed to the cross-a pain so severe, so calamitous
Raised up before the world-a mockery so dreadful-garments to cast lots
Bitter gaul to drink-sun darken in the day-mother wept
Pierced upon His side-water cum blood gushing forth

“Dad forgive them-they are ignoramus of Your love”
“Mother, behold your beloved son!-sons behold your mother”
“My Lord, My God! Why reject me now?”
“It is done, finished”-He did all these for me, you-all, what a love so pure!!!

Today we want to dance,
and the drums make the sounds,
we are taking the first step;
and a drum is saying tep, tep, tep.

yesterday, we wanted to dance,
but the drums were too hark in sounds,
and we let time roll on unreal;
then we understand the deal.

tomorrow we might not dance,
'cause we might not have the bones to dance,
we'll look on the grey of the playground;
and think the dancers be stupendous surround.

the days of old for you-are new days for me,
let another truth be told for real,
yesterday, today and even morrow;-
are all now..............now...........now-
THE MARK OF TIME AND TIDE.................

courtesy andy2000s Thralldom

Friday, August 7, 2015


So great is our God that the world cannot contain Him
Yet so immanent that he can dwell within our heart
His majesty beats mortal imagination
His existence is beyond human comprehension

Day and day, the earth declares His glorious
And the firmament show forth His handiwork
A great Craft-Man He is
He designs and hung the world on space

Without a cliffhanger to sustain her
Yet the world remains and works after His manual
No clash of the galaxies or other heavenly bodies
Even science cannot explain the mysteries

He is Omniscience
Omnipresence is His Nature
So Omnipotent that He is perfect in all things
He is the essence of our being and living
He created this world Ex-Nihilo (Out of Nothing)
He is the Originator of life and the Saviour from death

He reigns supreme in all human affairs
Conqueror is His Name
He rules the world with Love
Nothing this world can give-
Can re-tribute the wondrous provision
The God of every flesh has given us

Nothing can be compared to His greatness
How great is our God!
From the going forth of the cosmos to the end of it
He remains the Alpha and the Omega
The First and the Last
The Lily of the valley
The Bright and Morning sun

Great is Your faithfulness and grace
Abounding in mercy and grace
Your throne is everlasting
Whether they be kingdoms and kings
They shall vanish forever

But Your Kingdom shall be established
From the Going forth of the sun
Throughout eternity
Every soul shall bow before You King eternal

What shall I render to You O Lord of my Fathers!
I love you Lord
Because You are God and None is like You
And the best of men cannot Change the Master of universe's Plans Forever and Ever

With a singular honour
Let me introduce you to the King of kings
The Lord of Lords
The One and Only True God

Elohim is His name
Elshaddai and Ebenezer
The Rock of Ages

The I AM that I AM
The Lion of the tribe of Judah
The Lord of Our Salvation
The Lord who dwells in Zion
The Healer and Balm of Gilead
The Mount Zion of the saved

None is like unto YOU-

Sunday, November 16, 2014


Today, I'm going to sweep the dirt away
the dirt of past years so astray
when the scary scurry flex abound
the night of depression soar away

Now is my time to live a life
letting go of the past so miffed with strife
when deadly billows shall roll away
and grace abound so real

My birthday today is but for now
let me celebrate cause tomorrow may ne'er be mine
when hilly, frilly dawn of life
sets her ugly face to thwarts the joy

A new day for me, old one for you
I shall dedicate today to God my Lord
Who kept my feet from dashing a stone
All glory and Honour to You my King!!!

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Living those years with you alone,
Giving to you all unfettered access-
To my heart-room unhindered.
A place where true love holds sway;
But now, no more it is: My darling,Honey you have to Go!

Dalliancing with you alone like of childhood
Looking straight into your dovetailing eyes;
Reminiscence of days of laughter cum pains
Refreshingly a thought of paradise on earth;
But ne'er again:Sweetheart, you have to Go!

Loving you unreservedly,
Giving you complete attention ever needed;
Making you a priority after My Creator
Humbling my heart to endure your super-sensitive ego;
But how abrupt it's now is: Beloved you have to Go!

Faithfully attached to you I was,
Trustfully endeared to my heart you were
Gladly announcing you before the universe
Fearlessly accentuating to make life full of glories
But Now is but the past: My doting you have to Go!

Gratefully accepting my false fate of destiny
Enduring now it stares me in the face the reality of letting to
Labouriously Satisfying all you ever wanted or need;
Trying to make the only room of my heart habitable by you alone;
But regrettably we must part: my love you have to Go!

A time past for you- A new day for me
A dawn of a new chapter encapsulating my tender thoughts
Now I've found an Angel incomparably unique and superb
Giving me the true meaning of life and love
But your chapter now i close forever: Darling, you have to Go!

A new era heralding-from the rising of the sun
A season of refreshing-from heaven's store-house
A renewed vigour of grace-tears of penury to cry of rejoicing I am
Ne'er had i thought of sudden departure but was in view
But now event Unfolded calls our mutual consent to let go
Darling, Sweetheart, You have to Go!!!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Golden Rules Of Life & Living

Before you speak-listen
Before you write-think
Before you spend-earn
Before you invest-investigate
Before you criticize-patiently wait
Before you pray-forgive
Before you quit-try again
Before you retire-save
Before you kill-give life
Before you destroy-Build
Before you hate-love
Before you die-amend your ways
Before you condemn-make peace
Before you die-give all
This is the Reality of Life and Living!!!!